Compass Points – Global Focus
Let the upgrade begin
September 2, 2023
Sometimes it takes someone outside the issue to see what needs to be done. Many thanks to Glen Segell for stepping forward with an informed outsider’s perspective on the Marine Corps. In his article for the London School of Economics and Political Science, "The United States Marine Corps is not designed for deployment in Africa" explains why Africa needs to included, "when FD2030 is being re-written."
All official documents can be improved. All documents are eventually upgraded. Even the Marine Corps foundational document FMFM-1 Warfighting, has been upgraded once and it may be upgraded again soon.
As Glen Segell advocates, FD2030 needs to be re-written. Compass Points reported about Africa on August 9, 2023 (link below). Africa has been a troubled continent for years, and a recent plague of internal coups threaten to destabilize the whole continent.
Glen Segell urges that FD2030 be updated to include more focus on Africa.
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New FD2030 guidelines and standards with Africa specifically in mind would clarify and define the necessary military and non-military tasks. That includes working with other American forces such as the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) which engages in training and education, humanitarian assistance, medical readiness, development strategies, and interception of illicit activities . . . .
To be effective FD2030 needs to address the specifics of Africa.
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When Glen Segell advocates for re-writing FD2030 to include more focus on Africa he does so not only as a reporter but as a professor and career military officer. He is Visiting Professor and Research Fellow in the Department of Political Studies and Governance at the University of the Free State, South Africa. He is also Research Fellow at the Ezri Center for Iran & Gulf Studies, University of Haifa, Israel. He holds the rank of brigadier-general (South African Reserves) and is a consultant for NATO. He served in active special operations in Iraq, Kuwait, Sudan, and Libya.
China is the pacing challenge in the Pacific, that will not change soon. But a focus on any one region, no matter how important that region may be, cannot be allowed to distract the Marine Corps from a larger and even more important mission: global readiness. The Marine Corps serves the Nation best when it is a complete, combined arms force, ready immediately for service anywhere around the globe.
Glen Segell is right. The future is unknowable. The United States may face a serious crisis in Africa. Should that happen, the Marine Corps must be prepared to have a combined arms force arrive in Africa quickly, ready to deter, assist, or fight.
Sometimes it takes someone outside the issue to see what needs to be done. Compass Points thanks Brigadier General Glen Segell for his military service and for volunteering his insight that it is time for the Marine Corps to focus, once again, not on only one region of the globe, but on worldwide combined arms readiness.
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The London School of Economics and Political Science - 08/31/2023
The United States Marine Corps is not designed for deployment in Africa
By Glen Segell
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Compass Points - Trouble in Africa
Russia and China reach out.
August 9, 2023
Other than high levels of natural resources, preserving mutually beneficial commerce, promoting international stability, safeguarding shipping lanes, and addressing humanitarian crises, why should we be concerned about Africa?
(In all seriousness, I think BGen Segell is on to something with his advocacy for specifically focusing on a policy/strategy built on relatively short term, precision missions in committed concert with local authorities that reflect insight from analyzing the recent history of USMC missions in Africa.