Compass Points – Which Marine Corps?
A range of worldwide operations.
November 24, 2024
Sunday is a good day for reflection.
There is some good news. Reports reveal that marines are getting more attention, more funding, and more marines. Finally, policy makers are waking up to the unique usefulness of marines embarked on ships to respond to a range of crises around the globe. Amid the good news, however, there is just a small bit of bad news. The bad news is the marines that are getting more attention, more funding and more marines are not US Marines, they are China marines.
Instead of merely guarding Chinese naval bases and supporting an invasion of Taiwan, China's Marine Corps appears to be preparing for amphibious operations around the world — just as US Marines do. China is building a force of amphibious flattops that can launch Marine helicopters and possibly the fighting vehicles that motor to shore.
"The investment in large amphibious-assault ships indicates that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) envisions a future in which it can deploy expeditionary strike groups similar to those the United States has employed for the past fifty years," wrote Sam Tangredi in a new book published by the China Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College "A globally deployable amphibious/expeditionary group is a far cry from the humble origins of the PLA [People's Liberation Army] amphibious force and a considerable leap from the PLAN [People's Liberation Army Navy] capabilities that existed in the first years of this century."
Established in 1953, the People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps, as it's officially known, was formed to seize Taiwan and other Nationalist-held islands. Like the US Marine Corps, the PLANMC is a branch of the navy. Its missions have been those of traditional naval infantry: guarding naval bases, garrisoning island outposts in the South China Sea, and supporting an amphibious invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese army, which retains its own amphibious assault force.
But the PLANMC has grown to the point where some experts wonder whether it will become an independent service. From two brigades and 12,000 personnel in 2017, the PLANMC has expanded to eight brigades, with a goal of 100,000 personnel; that compares to about 170,000 active-duty US Marines.
-- Michael Peck, Business Insider
Since 2017 the China marine corps has been undergoing significant growth in units, equipment, and capabilities. On the other hand, since 2019 the US Marine Corps has been undergoing a significant decline in units, equipment, and capabilities. In his most recent article, Marine and author Gary Anderson gives expansive advice to the incoming administration, including some frank and pointed observations about the Navy and Marine Corps
. . . Since they landed on the shores of Tripoli, the Marines have been the nation’s go-to force in a crisis, and the Navy has been their ride. No matter how hard a nation tries to avoid conflict, stuff happens. This includes national disasters and the need to evacuate American citizens from crisis areas. The value of using the Navy and Marine Corps in such situations is that they are viewed as a temporary presence. Whereas the Army, with its heavy footprint, gives the impression of an invasion. The ability to launch military operations from a ship implies an American desire to resolve the situation and be gone. This is a significant diplomatic signal. Unfortunately, neither capability exists today.
. . . due to some very poor decisions by an egocentric and incompetent Marine Corps commandant. The Marines have morphed into a China-centric defensive force. Worse, the Corps allowed, even encouraged, the Navy to reduce the number of required amphibious ships needed to maintain a presence in the world’s three most dangerous regions. Putting America first means not getting us into situations that we can’t walk away from if needed. The capability to do that is gone with the degradation of the Marines and the Navy’s amphibious fleet. Worse still, the Marines divested themselves of the tanks, bridging, and heavy engineering assets needed to contribute materially to a major regional conflict such as Desert Storm or Iraqi Freedom. This was so they could instead buy anti-ship missiles of dubious use in a conflict and redundant with systems existing in the other services.
Unfortunately, the current commandant has doubled down on his predecessor’s mistakes. He should be removed and replaced by someone dedicated to rebuilding the Corps, even if it means bringing back a competent general from retirement. Likewise, the chief of naval operations, a DEI quota filler, should also be removed and replaced with a warfighter who can rebuild the Navy. It will take at least a decade to restore the Navy and Marine Corps to their former greatness, but we need to start somewhere.
-- Gary Anderson
There was once a broad and deep understanding in Congress about the value of the 9-1-1 Marine Corps.
The nation’s shock troops [Marine Corps] must be the most ready when the nation is generally least ready ... to provide a balanced force in readiness ... to suppress or contain certain international disturbances short of large-war.
-- 82nd US Congress
By growing the China marine corps, CCP policy makers have shown a clear understanding of the ability of a global expeditionary force of marines to provide powerful foreign policy tools. For decades, policy makers in the US have had clear understanding and provided constant protection and support for the US Marines. Already some incoming policy makers are eager to help restore and enhance the America's 9-1-1 force. The Marine Corps needs all the oversight, protection, and assistance that incoming policy makers can provide. It is imperative that when a crisis arises somewhere around the globe and US policy makers say, "send in the Marines!" the Marines must be ready.
Compass Points salutes all readers who in their own ways are continuing to build the discussion about a stronger Marine Corps and also thanks all our readers who served as seminar leaders this week by providing topics, articles, and comments. Many thanks!
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Business Insider - 11/23/2024
Chinese Marines are becoming more like US Marines, while the USMC returns to its roots
Analysis by Michael Peck
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The American Spectator - 11/22/2024
7 Ways to Move Toward a Trump Doctrine
A Trump Doctrine would need a whole-of-government approach.
By Gary Anderson
Don Whisnant’s observation of Gary Anderson’s
advancement to SecDef might be in the ball park. Surely, if a FOX News t.v. personality (for the past eight years) can get the “nod” from the Trump camp, a seasoned veteran & established intellectual in things of war should receive honorable mention at the very least. Anderson has a habit of telling it like it is, to wit: one might like what is said & the manner in which it is said, but, one should listen. In the event CONGRESS should awaken to our self-inflicted plight and direct we get our house in order, we might want to have some institutional idea of what is needed to be done, and how to do it. To do that, if I could wave a magic wand, the first thing I would do in the “get well mode”, would be to select first rate educators, put them in MCU NOW, and turn MCU into an engine of creative & critical thinking, development of new doctrine where needed, and thorough instruction of our history. This is the fundamental blocking & tackling of our profession, we have been good at it, and we should return to its proven process.
Why has the PLA MC not developed into a littoral missile force like our Marine Corps is doing? Yes, I am aware that the PLA has a robust SSM antiship force. Why do we cede the naval battlefield to their naval infantry? Prior to FD we had the best littoral weapon system: the US Marine Corps. I remember reading somewhere that Lord of the Admiralty, Jackie Fisher, said an amphibious force is like a projectile fired from the fleet. Every littoral area the Chinese inhabit around the globe for their trade, should be a target for our Marine Corps. Why give them the advantage? The Marine Corps is an offensive force fired from our Navy.