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In WWII we had Great Civilian Leadership. 80 years latter, 4 generations. No Unconditional Surrenders but lots of wars. WWII was an Amphibious War. What would USMC FD contribute to MarCent if ordered to deploy now for an invasion of Iran? Here is a quote from General McKensie’s new book about being a Combatant Commander and having your recommendations ignored by the NCA and interfered with by the Secretary of State and the National Security Adviser. “The Melting Point, High Command and War in the 21st Century “…Competent Committed Civilian Leadership…something we do not have today. “A perfect example of this in action was McKenzie's advice on how to manage the Afghanistan withdrawal – His advice which was rejected by the Biden administration, but the CENTCOM commander still had to carry out a flawed plan that he knew was likely to go bad (and did). As he notes, as late as the first week of August 2021, the administration wanted to have it all: "leave Afghanistan, continue to influence events there through a large and robust embassy platform, and carry out counterterror operations. Reality would soon intrude on these dreams." While it was Trump whose agreement with the Taliban began the countdown to withdrawal, it was the fateful decisions taken or not taken by the Biden team in April 2021 that made the chaos and death that summer inevitable. Not wanting to alarm the Afghan leadership, the Americans waited too long to draw down the embassy and begin withdrawing Americans and at-risk Afghans.”….should be a great read.

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