It’s worth noting that DEI is NOT the law. It was never passed by Congress. DEI is based on presidential executive orders to all cabinet departments and it then snowballs depending on each agency’s initiative. Without getting into party politics, both the Senate filibuster and House factions have successfully prevented funding of WH DEI ambitions, but that hasn’t stopped existing funded EEO staff across each department from pushing it. That stated, DEI may last only as long as WH incumbents, at which point new ExOrds nullify it.

I don’t mind ‘diversity’ so long as each has earned their position. I interpret ‘inclusion’ to mean belonging, which is fine unless that means men belong in women’s quarters or restrooms, or other such extremism. But ‘equity’ is Marxism. Equity’s motto is “We all finish at a level standing.” That destroys merit; it removes all incentives to achieve.

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With all the verbage demonizing D E I, CRT and WOKE I have never read any specifics that defines each one and e explaims why each one corrupts military leadership and the combat readiness of U. S. military power. Until I do, I m sticking with Jesus. D E I and Woke are the core precepts of Christianity. SF

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This a timely and useful precedent. One of the replacements for the 'plucking board's' 'unfit commanders' was identified in 1938 by the US Army's Deputy Chief of Staff George C. Marshall: Colonel George Patton.

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When you get 50 General Officers to back this claim, I might take this garbage more seriously. Today’s racist idiots love to use DEI and CRT to denigrate people of color and undermine the accomplishments of people of color. Give me a break…

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Yes I do need 50 Generals because they are sane. Don’t want a lone General Officer as the sole source of fanning the flames of racism. As a 27 year Marine and combat veteran. The Marine Corps promotes on performance only. It is a level playing field and rules are in place to deter individuals from committing egregious biased performance evaluations based on prejudice.

If African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. and USMC population, how come when I served we made up more than 25-30% of senior enlisted (E-9) ranks?


Are we or have we ever trained our Marines to true “Training and Readiness” standards?

Answer: NOPE, not enough hours in the day and if you don’t create a detailed training schedule referencing the T&R manual you will barely scratch the surface on meeting any combat readiness requirements/standards.

There are times when Marines are not held to the same standard but in a negative way, especially young Marine Officers of color who don’t didn’t grow up hunting and fishing and are not a 4th generation Marine Officer.

Leave the CRT, DEI cowardly excuses out of discussion. It is WEAK at best.

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Of your 50 sane Generals, how many supported requiring Marines to have Covid shots? Is it possible that the Generals who didn't are those who are truly capable of critical thinking, and understanding the consequences of decisions.

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Rut roh! I hope all of the Generals did, and yes they are all critical thinkers. I probably received over 50 shots while I was in the Marines. We had mandatory vaccines. I hated the anthrax series, typhoid, yellow fever vaccines the most, there was always a world of hurt waiting for you following those shots. We lost over a million countrymen to the scourge of COVID. I’ll gladly take the vaccine over dying of COVID. I simultaneously get my COVID/FLU vaccine shots every year. It is my duty to stay vaccinated to protect my fellow countrymen.

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On Jan 28th of this year, three of your fellow countrymen died, and 47 were injured (US Army and Air Force), at Tower 22, on the Jordan border.

At the time, the base had an AN/TPS-75 3D air search radar.,and counter-UAS (c-UAS) capabilities that likely included layered kinetic and electronic warfare capabilities. There were 350 personnel on site. Islamic Shia militia/insurgents were active in the area.

The preliminary inquiry by US Central Command identified... "the hostile drone attacked around the same time an American surveillance drone was returning to the base, which likely led to confusion over whether it was an enemy drone and delayed a response..."

How do you not SHOOT down both drones? That is critical thinking. There must be NO delayed response. Three troops died !

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Not an aviation radar guy. I was not there and I would never make such a callous statement to dishonor the fallen.

Let me guess this all because DEI and CRT!

I can assure you that corrective actions have been implemented and the actual classified after action report has been uploaded to military access only lessons learned DoD website.

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You don't need 50 General Officers to decide what should be commonsense when group think is the underlying issue. Are any of the following 'racist,' 'sexist,' or 'genderist'?

Capability: Should all Marines be fully capable of performing all tasks required of them in war?

Merit: Are all duties and promotions based solely on merit, not artificial social restructuring?

Responsibility: Are all Marines consistently held to the same high standard?

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I belong to a small group of VN era TBS officers and we all follow Compass Points on a daily basis. We focus on our opposition to FD. Any more like the garbage in this CP, I am"outta here!" I firmly believe that, when the command, "Officers, Center, March!" is given, Marines in the ranks need to see officers who look like them marching out to the regimental commader.

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Once again, Compass Points wades inappropriately into politics. The demonization of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is the mantra of right wing Republicans who support Project 2025.

The origin of DEI are found in the New Testament. Christians believe that D E I are important because we are all made equal in God's image.

Equity has nothing to do with Marxism. The Bible teaches that biblical justice is about equity, not equality. Equity is about justice. John 7:24

Having made these points, how in heavens name do you help the Marine Corps by supporting the driver of an Army flag extremist? Just whose side are you on Compass Points? As for me, I sticking with Jesus.

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I misspelled ^drivel^ above. Gomen.

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