In my opinion Gen Berger failed us. He destroyed the MAGTF. The army won't provide us with armor support. The air force can't provide CAS, the navy is neglecting amphib ships. He seemed determined to turn the entire Corps into one huge recon team. We are on the cusp of irrelevance.

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High level guidance should be written clearly, concisely, concretely, and correctly. Readers can judge for themselves if the Commandant's Planning Guidance hits or misses the mark.

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Maggie's Drawers!

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While the CPG is obviously intended as a general policy document, the verbiage seems to dwell almost solely on the "what" and not the "how." Sounded woefully similar to a current presidential candidate.

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Reading General Kenneth McKenzie book (that I highly recommend): “The Melting Point” he discusses the difficulty SECDEF Austin’s and the Joint Staff has in shifting the strategic focus to China at the beginning of his term.

“As I watched them struggle to square this circle, it was my judgement that they disregarded Emile Simpson’s definition of strategy, set out so clearly in his excellent book, War from the Ground Up: “Essentially strategy is the dialectical relationship, or the dialogue, between desire and possibility.” p. 177

Despite all the accolades and words I would consider equivocations, the Commandant’s Planning Guidance seems to represent a strategical dialectical gap between desire and possibility.

BTW I just ordered E. Simpson’s book.

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