Almost six years later: no T/E, no T/O, no ships, no doctrine, no weaponry, no concept of employment. We used to call this “on a wing and a prayer.” No garbage barge sunk, no position defended and no displacement or resupply. Please show me a demo on San Clemente Island. Insert, set up, shoot, defend, resupply and displace. Repeat. Until that can be demonstrated this is vapor ware. At its best it is amateurish. At its worst it is professional incompetence bordering on a crime. When will someone step up and put this long running farce to an end?

It is not enough to bury this delusional travesty. I would like to see accountability via trials.

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Let’s keep our heads buried in the proverbial damn sand. How the hell does this bode well for the MC??? Both, the MC and Navy leadership have taken their eyes of the target and will soon, if not leeway, be rudderless!


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Unfortunately, Rear Admiral Sobeck is doing the best he can to keep what ships' crewed that he can, though that means taking ships off line. RADM Sobeck is the right guy in the right place. Notably, he stepped in, under no obligation by position, to help organize the Bonhomme Richard Fire Fighting when the initial response was unraveling. The civilian mariners at MSC have been feeling the burn for several years, arguably well beyond other mariners and sailors. Permanently at sea, maxed on pay, maxed losing leave, and/or stuck taking leave underway. It's been unsustainable and MSC is doing what they can for that "what do we do to cover the next 6 to 18 months until this gets addressed?" problem.

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I wonder if the people of PI remembers the US gave the Freedom twice (Spain & Japan). The PI was as US protectorate. But PI kicked the US military out. Wonder what SEA would be like if the US rebuilt Clark, Subic Bay, and Cubi Pt after Mount Pinatubo? Cubi Pt O’Club had the best view in SEA.

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The US should never have pulled outa the Phillipines in the 90s...

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The article is again castigating the MC and its current leadership on issues that may not be the USMC's fault. The article states “The task force is comprised of U.S. forces providing our Philippines allies with enhanced cooperation and interoperability for their maritime operations,” That assumes a maritime floating capability for "any" and all US Force supporting. The MLR to be employed by a COCOM specifically IndoPACOM, in that ODTAAC environment, will need to have fast attack ships (FAS), litoral logistics platforms, combined with Low profile Vehicles (LPV) [think drug subs] to work throughout the Philippine Archipelago/ Mobile Belt. They, USMC/MLR are still working TO&E and platforms for the MC as well as the MLR. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day! The MC concepts includes everything from SURCs, MSV-Ls, Riverine Craft, RHIBs and "small expeditionary watercraft" (whatever that is or becomes. It will be a MAGTF, with special capabilities designed for the maritime AOR. HQMC and its POM process, as well as a DoD's fiscal issues with a continuing resolution since 2010...its fiscally broke. Tthe DoD has had too much focus on pronouns, CRT, and funds/systems to Ukraine and Israel, and has only given lip service to the MC and IndoPACOMs China malign influence activities. Additionally, China, Iran, and Russia are all supporting Iranian Surrogates in the ME and now globally. So as the Philippine's Gov shifts to China away from ASG and other nationalist/globally linked Radical Islamist Salafi Jihadist Groups (RISJ) Islamist groups, including Islamic State of East Asia, Abu Sayyaf, Maute group, Maguid group, Turaifie group, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters may be required, but that threat cannot be forgotten. Finally our SOF, MARFORSOC, and 13th MEU forces are/were also there helping the PDF become more credible and capable against numerous maritime state and nonstate terrorist threat. My opinion only. M2





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The castigation is deserved...there is a current self-inflicted capability gap in the USMC. The USMC should be a relentless pain to Pacom to get the MLR deployed for operations and exercises (beyond the "units from 'x' set up gear and patrol with host nation forces). "USMC/MLR are still working TO&E and platforms for the MC as well as the MLR.". Imagine you paid a roofer to replace your existing roof, he took it off, and 5 years later he hadn't started on the new one because he was 'still working TO&E' and shingles plus trucks to deliver crew and materials. It is prima facie ridiculous. Nothing you mentioned about surface/near surface vessels is any kind of revolution in capability - the Marine Corps has historical experience with those platforms. Just because it is new to some is no excuse for a long drag on obtaining relevant capability. (apart from maintenance) it's just smaller watercraft - not electromagnetic sub orbital hoverboats. And frankly, MCWL hasn't had an issue getting larger ships for experimentation. [edit - just checked MarineTraffic. The HOS Resolution is sitting in Naha, apparently building Rome pierside). As far as the MEU - yes, now freed from the ARG, it is operating as the Rotational Force South East Asia and in the area. Why not the MLR? This all goes back to capabilities and questions over news releases and assumptions. The article rightly questions the news releases and assumptions being made.

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