100% on time and on target. Checkmate.

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You have to wonder what in General Berger’s and Smith’s experience and education had them thinking that the 2030 Design was a good idea. What really troubles me is General Berger missed a golden opportunity to establish the US Marine Corps senior leadership as DOD’s best military strategist. He could have stood up in 2019 and stated that the US has significant gaps in the peer-to-peer strategy. He could have stated that the best way to fill those gaps is for each service to focus on their expertise under the US Joint Service Doctrine. The US Air Force needs to concentrate on the Cyber and Space domain. The USAF also has gotten use to operating with complete air superiority. In a peer-on-peer war air superiority that may take more time to establish than the US can afford. For the US Army, this country is going to need an exceptional ground based anti-missile defense. In addition to its infantry and armor brigades, the US is going to need Army’s specialty units like the 101st Airborne. (One of the highlights of Desert Storm was 101st Division 170 mile penetration into Iraq to cut the enemy’s main supple route.) The US Navy should concentrate on maintaining their strategic mobility by securing SLOCs and denying them to the enemy. BTW the US Marine Corps can be a big help there. OH! If you have a ship building and maintenance problem fix it. For the Marines, concentrated on your amphibious forces and MAGTF doctrine. MAGTF strategic mobility will be very important in a peer-on-peer “global” war. Remember that our enemy fears the United States strategic mobility and the US Marine Corps (amphibs and MPFs) fills the gap between strategic airlift and the arrival of sea lift forces and sustainment. Yep, we missed a golden opportunity.

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In the rodeo world of pounding hooves, one trick ponies do not last long. One needs a horse that can barrel race, team rope and steer wrestle- all else are short Enders!

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I’d argued the Marine Corps, at present, is not organized to do anything. It’s disgraceful what Berger started and Smith continues to pursue.

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