After my retirement from the Marines, I worked for a defense contractor as head of a systems engineering department that was preparing a proposal for some full MILSPEC system. None of my engineers had been in the service, so they had no feel for many of the requirements of the system (why does the operator terminal have to be waterproof? Do the operators really sit in the rain?). I decided a good introduction would be to take a couple of senior engineers back to Quantico for one of the ‘Industry meets Marines’ conferences so they could see what fielded equipment looks like and talk with the users. General Gray was head of the Development Center at that time and gave one of his motivational speeches to the group of visitors including my engineers. It was so motivational that one of my senior engineers told me on the plane home that he was going to quit his job and join the Marines! I convinced him to discuss this with his wife before doing anything radical, which he did, and that ended his desire to be a Marine. I told this story to General Gray years later.

I first met General Gray over 50 years ago and have never met a finer human being or better Marine. A tremendous loss to the world and Marine Corps.

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General Gray

Commander of the Guard


Thank You, Sir

Semper Fi

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Well done and thank you. Sensible Rules are always known to warriors. Contrary Rules are always practiced by politicians. So it is written.

Semper Fi, W3

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