In this day a WEZ is world-wide. Take for example a US Navy Nuc ballistic sub, laying low in an unknown portion of the vast ocean. It can strike globally. Oh and it can maneuver rather be a static target. Cmon, guys. Sitting anywhere these days is asking for it, or a short maneuver by the enemy can leave a force as a monument to shortsightedness (being kind here)

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Does this get read by anyone? Richard McPherson, LCDR US Navy (ret) 949-292-9104

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Yes sir, CP is read by a lot Marines and sailors and maybe even a few lost US Army or Air Force types. The Chowder Society II has a group of very senior officers (mostly retired) with first hand combat war fighting experience at every level, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division and multiple deployments at the MEU, MEB, and MEF sized force level. They are the pointy end of a pretty unique spear trying to save the US Marine Corps from itself. They write and read and comment here as example. As General Paul Van Riper advises, grab a book and get busy.

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Charles: Compass Points is providing a much-needed service to the American community. Since reading the "45 Goals of the Communist Party" in January 1963, (8-months before I joined the Navy), I have followed them being achieved. How and why was always a quiet question to me. By the time the Clintons took over the White House I knew how and why. That was 31-years ago.

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If your question is about Compass Points posts the answer is that on average there are more than 3,000 views each day plus some unknown number who receive the post from friends via email. An authority on how information travels through the Internet estimated that there are likely as many as 140,000 views over a period of 72 hours.

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CP is certainly doing a great deal to highlight some very problematic and serious issues facing the Naval Service and specifically the Corps and more directly this absolute dilusional effort of Force Design which can’t happen without the Navy being involved almost at every step. Thank you for coming to effort. Each person here (almost all) bring great experince and knowledge and my sense is if we keep going we all make a significant difference.

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To locate close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver and close combat.

I don't see hide and defend anywhere in our mission.

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Excellent observations by the author here! FD2030 is proving to be disastrous and must be reversed!

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