A hearty cheer to Jerry McAbee’s suggestion of MCU as the IDEAL place for our many discussions to occur, specifically with the intent of producing a workable solution to our current situation. It is THE place where the intellectual firepower of the Corps resides. As I recall, the Al Gray Research Center, EWS, C&SC, SAW, MCWAR, COMM OFFICER SCHOOL, & THE SNCO Academy all can be reached by a good 7 Iron golf shot from right outside the President’s office. No other service has that kind of concentration of intellectual capacity! Plus, we have immediately adjacent as part of the MCU campus the Battle Staff Training Facility to actually test out solutions to our challenges. Moreover, we have the MCG located about thousand yards away which can provide detailed information to the Corps about our recuperation process - that was totally missing from the FD evolution, and is important. Expanding the McAbee idea a wee bit more, I think rebuilding a potent Multi-MEF capability is only one fundamental need for consideration in being able to project power abroad. I would argue that our ENTIRE NATIONAL PME establishment be given the task of identifying what needs to be rebuilt, i.e. ship yards, airfields, old bases brought back on line, new organizations to be established, etc. As our history would suggest - Ah! Yes! Tempering judgment by history - assign the Army to head that mammoth task, with each service doing its part, and for our PME institutions being the focal point - our Schwerpunckt for Maneuverists - for details to be worked out in problem resolution. This process has precedent both in the WW I era, and, certainly in the NWC “war games” of the 1930’s. So, BG McAbee is spot on in his suggestion … Turn loose MCU on our current problem challenges … those young bucks will have our answers - they have never failed us. Thoughts? Semper Fidelis!

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If only MCU did not ban the critics of Force Design 2030 it might have a chance of returning to its glory days. On occasion I talk with several of the faculty members and they state in no uncertain terms that there is an unwritten understanding that FD critics are unwelcome in CSC and SAW classrooms.

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For any reader who may not have read the last section of this post, please do so for it is enlightening. First, because it shuts down a careless commenter who clearly didn’t do his homework when he wrote “This is revisionist BS at best. At worst its manipulation for clicks and money,” that is, that Berger had not removed the 2 MEB amphibious lift requirement. Second, because it states clearly that neither the Editor nor the Publisher, nor any of the staff receive any reimbursement for the exceptional work they do providing important information to subscribers every day. Finally, it states unequivocally, that no retired general officers are part of the Compass Points team. Bravo Zulu to the Editor!

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It's truly sad that those opposed to the arguments of Chowder II too often choose to attack the messenger and not the message. The Commandant and the the Marine Corps would be better served if the proponents of FD addressed the issues and not the personalities. A healthy discussion and debate will make the Corps better. Tell us how the SIFs will be logistically supported; how seven cannon artillery batteries in the active force can provide close, continuous, accurate, and all weather support to 21 infantry battalions in the close and rear fight. We want to know.

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As an afterthought to my earlier entry, a hearty BZ to CP for continuing to be a sounding board for Marines, and Friends of Marines, to chime in on a potentially existential issue facing us now. If COCOM’s can’t rely on us to show up when & how needed, we need to think about “striking the tent”. We need to fix this mess. Thank you, CP, for assisting in that regard. Semper Fidelis!

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The Marine Officer's Guide (Third Edition)

SOCIAL DO'S AND DON'TS: At mess or at any official function, politics, religion, and ladies are discussed (if at all) only with the greatest discretion. Whenever you do, never speak I'll of your Corps or of any fellow officer in the presence of outsiders, civilians, or members of any other Service. And remember always, insofar as public utterances are concerned, an American soldier has no politics and espoused no political party or cause."

Compass Points should scrupulously adhere to this guidance in effect since 1967.

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Semper Fi my fellow Leathernecks and let's NOT stop rightly criticizing the current leaders and direction of our beloved Corps and this FD2030 insanity!

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